Symbolism in Rushnyky & Codes and Symbolism in Ukrainian Embroidery
MAY 15, 2021 to MAY 15, 2021
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Online Workshop
Cost: $10
Symbolism in Rushnyky
Participants will learn about the ancient symbolism incorporated in Ukrainian rushnyky (ritual towels), focused on the Central Dnipro Region of Cherkasy, which has formed the foundation for creating the contemporary rushnyk.
Presenter: Oleksandra Telizhenko, Member of the National Masters of Ukraine 1979, from Cherkasy, Ukraine
Codes & Symbolism in Ukrainian Embroidery: Revival of the Symbolism & Awareness of its Importance as a Generic Book & Amulet of Ukrainians
Our ancestors used embroidery as a charm, capable of bringing the human body in harmony with cosmic energies. Embroidered towels and shirts were a kind of energy armor for humans, uniting us with the ancestral energy code. When passing on family treasures, our grandparents passed on their blessings with them. The return of Ukrainians to embroidered clothing and to the traditions of their predecessors must be conscious and responsible, because the “language” of embroidery can be healing, protecting, and cherishing.
Presenter: Maria Chumarna from Lviv, Ukraine authored over 80 books including Folk Art and Coding of Ukrainian Symbolism
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