Vytynanky Paper Cutting
FEB 26, 2022 to FEB 26, 2022
11:00am – 1:30pm
Registration Fee Members: $45
Registration Fee Non-Members: $50
Register by: February 22, 2022
In-person at ACUA:
9534 87 St Edmonton
T6C 3J1
Vytynanka or paper cutting is a folk art that was used to decorate homes during the holidays in the 19th century. Images of angels, birds, plants, and other animals are all the traditional cutting ornaments and sometimes was used as amulets for home. In this workshop, you will learn the art of Vytynanka by making your own paper cutting. Once your Vytynanka is created you will apply it to a matte to decorate your home!
Tickets: https://alberta-council-for-the-ukrainian-arts.square.site/shop/25
Call (780) 488-8558 or email [email protected] for more details!
NOTE: ACUA is following the Restrictions Exemption Program. Please be sure you’re able to provide either proof of vaccination, documentation of medical exemption, or proof of a negative PCR or rapid test within 72 hours of service. Masking and social distancing are required.