Ukrainian Museum Tour
FEB 14, 2024 to FEB 14, 2024
Sign Up for our March 13 Tour
1:00 pm
Refreshments to follow
Ukrainian Museum of Canada – Alberta Branch
10611 110 Avenue Northwest
Tickets only $10. Limit 15 participants. This event is intended for mature participants. No minors.
Register by: February 8, 2024
On June 9, 2023, after two years of closure, the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Alberta Branch, reopened with a new exhibition with a theme of keeping culture alive. The underlying notion of this exposition is that a nation’s culture determines its identity—a timely subject given Ukraine is fighting a war for its existence.
The exhibit displays how Ukrainian material culture has drawn upon traditional cultural forms and incorporated them into contemporary life. Traditional forms have undergone change without losing their aesthetic quality and historical cultural value. Thus, the title of the exhibit—Change and Continuity: Keeping Culture Alive—conveys how traditional culture can remain relevant and alive in modern times. Culture viewed in this way is dynamic and active—the traditional finds its place in our lives, making it a living thing and carrying it into a viable and vibrant future.
The exhibit features embroidery, weavings, woodwork, ceramics, religious items, and artworks that link the past with the present. Viewers will be amazed at the regional stylistic differences of various regions in Ukraine and their adaptation in modern times—some belonging to the 18th and 19th centuries that still maintain connections with the present.
The viewing will be conducted by a knowledgeable and expert tour guide who understands each artifact on display and is able to convey its significance and uniqueness. Your viewing experience will prove both educational and delightful.