Threads of Hope Artist Talks
JUL 08, 2021 to JUL 20, 2021
Co-hosted by ACUA & Fibre Art Network
In-person at ACUA, 9534 – 87 St NW
Cost: Free
Join us for a selection of in-person artist talks throughout July. Visit our website to register or call ACUA at 780-488-8558 to reserve your spot at the talks you’re interested in! All talks are free to attend. (Reserve online)
Tuesday, July 6 | 1:30PM
Threads of Hope Exhibition Walk-Through
with Judy Weiss
Judy Weiss will be discussing techniques and unique aspects of selected pieces, as well as sharing bits of interest from the artist states about their style and choice of social issue.
Thursday, July 8 | 1:30PM
Paint, Felt, Quilt, and Stitch
with Dianne Firth
Rediscovering My Love of Art Making
with Cindi Plant
Tuesday, July 13 | 1:30PM
Working with Nature in Textiles
with Yvone Bilan-Wallace
Thursday, July 15 | 1:30PM
Textile Expressions Using Paint and Stitch
with Sharon Rubuliak
Tuesday, July 20 at 1:30PM
Making Marks
with Marie McEachern
From Challenge to Idea to Completion
with Marg Jessop