Out of the Kiln
NOV 03, 2023 to NOV 25, 2023
Opening Reception
November 3, 2023
Alberta Council for the Ukrainian Arts
Suite 100, 10554-110 Street
Out of the Kiln: Sharing Traditions in Clay examines the connections developed between people and cultures through the lens of pottery. Curated by Dr. Larisa Sembaliuk Cheladyn, the exhibit will showcase collections gathered by people and organizations who have a passion for sharing and preserving diverse works in clay. Each piece on display will examine how artisans have been inspired by multicultural exchange, and an appreciation of techniques, styles, and motifs developed over time.
Pottery listed in catalogue for sale at ACUA Boutique until end of exhibition. Available in person, or call 780-488-8558 or email [email protected] for purchase inquiries.