Breakdown Printing Virtual Artist Talk
JUL 23, 2022 to JUL 23, 2022
10:00am – 11:00am
VIRTUAL Artist Talk via Zoom
FREE to Attend
Breakdown Printing, also call Deconstructed Screen Printing, is a process where you paint the screen with thickened dyes and allow it to dry. Then, using print paste or thickened dye, print the screen, releasing the dried dye that was painted on the screen as it rehydrates. Diana learned this technique from a book she had bought called “Breakdown Printing” by Claire Benn and Leslie Morgan.
This artist talk is part of the On the Bias exhibit in partnership with Fibre Art Network, on view at ACUA from July 6-30, 2022.
Call 780-488-8558 or email [email protected] for more details!
About the Artist:
Born in White Horse, Yukon, and raised in Vancouver, BC, Diana Bartelings’ studio is located in Rock Creek, BC, where she now resides.
Diana’s work is diverse. It reflects her response to social/political issues; her love of nature, with a focus on spawning Sockeye Salmon, the ocean, as well as the Kettle River, where her home and studio are located. Her love of colour & of surface design are well displayed throughout her work as she uses the fabrics that she dyes and screen prints in her studio along with suitable commercial fabrics. She machine stitches for the most part but often adds hand stitching to add another dimension of texture to her work.
Bartelings’s desire for the viewer is that they would catch a glimpse of her message but have enough room to have their own thoughts, making the work more meaningful to the viewer.