Wings of Wonder: Artists Reimagine the Ukrainian Folk Tale
APR 17, 2025 to MAY 31, 2025
Alberta Council for the Ukrainian Arts presents
Wings of Wonder: Artists Reimagine the Ukrainian Folk Tale
An ACUA Signature Artist Series Event
April 17 – May 31, 2025
Opening Reception
Thursday April 17, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. with presentation at 7:00 p.m.
ACUA, in collaboration with the Kule Folklore Centre at the University of Alberta, is celebrating the folklore and folk tales of communities past. This is a call for artists to render their contemporary interpretation of a Ukrainian folk tale [s] in their chosen visual form.
Folk tales reflect the Ukrainian spirit, including the hopes, dreams, and wisdom of its people. As we read these tales there is a wonder as to what life held for individuals in the past. The lessons within the stories have been nurturing minds, teaching values and history, and providing endless entertainment for years.
Common plot lines include:
• Perseverance in the face of adversity
• Celebrating what we have
• The small and the weak can help the big and the strong
• Respect for freedom and the natural world
• Conflicts resolved through kindness, courage, and wit
During times of foreign occupation, folklore was one of the few means of cultural expression as it allowed authors, artists, and scholars to encourage national pride. Every story unveils a path of adventure, learning and intrigue in daily life.