Gallery & Boutique
ACUA Gallery & Artisan Boutique
ACUA has established a gallery and artisan boutique. Our gallery and artisan boutique features unique and original works of art and music from Canada and abroad. Currently, our gallery and artisan boutique features over 100 artists and musicians of Ukrainian heritage and has over 2,000 pieces of art, fine craft, music, and books.
ACUA can also provide space for artists to show full collections in our front gallery.
If you are interested in showing your art, artisan crafts, or music in our gallery and artisan boutique or would like to host a special exhibit, please contact our office at [email protected].
Якщо вам цікавиться показати своє мистецтво, ремісничі роботи чи музику в нашій галереї та бутіку або хочете організувати спеціальну виставку, зв’яжіться з нашим офісом за адресою [email protected].