Larisa Sembaliuk Cheladyn
Larisa was born in Edmonton, and having graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Art & Design from the University of Alberta, has become an accomplished Canadian artist.
As a painter, Larisa’s preferred medium is water colour. The bold and colourful work she produces, demonstrates a unique artistic style that has enabled her to enjoy a busy professional life. She dedicates herself to creating commissioned works as well as producing theme based collections. Major travelling collections include: Flowers of the Americas (1996) Flowers of the Bible (2000),and Celebrating Women(2005).
Larisa is also known for her illustration of children’s books and educational text. Painting Stories- Having Fun with Language, a retrospective exhibit of her illustrations from the 1980’s, is currently on exhibit by Alberta Historic Sites at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village.
The impact of Larisa’s art has reached deeply into the community. Dramatic imagery, combining reflections of relevant historical moments, environmental beauty and sensitivity, cultural influences and identities with poignant social statements, has brought her international attention and acclaim. Her works can be found in collections across Canada, throughout South America, Australia and Europe.
Larisa’s latest collection Dance Me… represents a new creative direction that embraces an exciting collaboration between herself and other artists from our cultural community, particularly choreographers, dancers and animators. The amazing energy and imagery provided by Leonard Cohen has added a unique vibrancy to Larisa’s paintings, breathing them to life from new, innovative perspectives.