The Common Threads Mural Project
AUG 19, 2021 to AUG 19, 2021
Shumka, Ukrainian Canadian Congress Alberta Provincial Council and UCC Edmonton Branch, and Alberta Council for the Ukrainian Arts are presenting an artist opportunity related to a Mural Project on the 105 Avenue portion of the Shumka Dance Centre (10515-111 Street).
The project inspiration and description is as follows:
2021 marks two milestones in the Ukrainian diaspora:
- The 130th Anniversary of Ukrainian immigration to Canada
- The 30th Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence as a free country in Eastern Europe.
With these milestones, comes the reinforcement of the importance of heritage and tradition, our belief in freedom and democracy, and a celebration of the diversity that multiculturalism brings to Canada.
We want the mural to represent the ties that bind us as diverse peoples; the common threads that connect us to our roots and to each other as neighbours in our land of many cultures.
We are now accepting artist sketch submissions. Please include name, contact information, artist bio (500 words max), and a paragraph about your submission and how it fits the Common Threads theme and the Ukrainian community as an anchor of such.
Thursday, August 19, 2021 – Deadline for artist submissions
Monday, August 23, 2021 – Artist choice announced by selection committee (made up of representatives of Shumka, UCC-Edmonton, UCC-Alberta Provincial Council, Alberta Council for the Ukrainian Arts)
Month of September – painting and coating process
Submissions to be sent to: [email protected]
Questions can be directed to: [email protected]; 780-455-9559, ext 102
Artist fees and supplies covered by the City of Edmonton, Shumka, UCC-Edmonton and UCC-Alberta Provincial Council.