Chernihiv National Dress, Modernization of Stamping on Fabric & Chernihiv Embroidery
MAY 29, 2021 to MAY 29, 2021
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Online Workshop
Cost: $10 Members
Learn how stamping is being modernized in the Chernihiv region of Ukraine. Gather inspiration in this demonstration and stamping workshop. Participants will learn about authentic Ukrainian embroidery stitches from the region of Chernihiv that have been lost in history and will create their own sampler using these stitches.
Participants that wish to follow along and try the stitches require:
1. 30 X 30 cm. piece of even weave linen or other even weave .
2. Red and White embroidery thread – DMC or Anchor cotton floss is good
3. scissors
4. needle
5. graph paper and pencil – to learn how to draw the patterns.
Instructor: Olha Kostiuchenko is a Member of the Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine and founder of the artistic studio Kudelja, in Chernihiv, Ukraine
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Click here to register online!
Register by Friday May 28th, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. MST.