Terry Pitts
Terry, currently residing in Langley, BC, is a prominent and wellrecognized Canadian artist in the field of illustration through the world of fine arts, fashion, and costume. Through her Ukrainian heritage, Terry has found a passion inspired by blending experiences as an illustrator and a dancer to document the expressive spirit of the Ukrainian dance performer. Her dance experiences include long time membership with Tropak Ukrainian Dance Theatre, Richmond, BC, as well as, Artistic Director/ Choreographer for children groups for many years throughout the BC lower mainland.
She holds a Fashion Design Diploma form Douglas College, Surrey, BC, and is a current member of the local 891 IATSE Vancouver, Costume department as a Special Skills Illustrator for Film and Television.
Her diverse background of experience and art styles includes fashion and commercial illustration in graphite, pencil crayon, watercolour. As a portrait artist, she accepts commissions that captivate the precious moments in time uniquely blending the expression and spirit behind the dancer or personality.